

Physical Sciences

Physical science encompasses areas like Astronomy & Astrophysics, Atomic & Molecular Science, Aviation & Aeronautics, Artificial Intelligence, Electronics, Renewable Energy, Geo-physics, Material science and so on and projects technologies in these areas.

Total number of Record(s): 166
Name of Technology Developing Agency
Upscaling of Radiation Shielding Materials CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), West Bengal
Wide Metallic Glass Ribbon Processing Unit CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Jharkhand
Wireless Expandable Bathythermograph Conductivity Temperature and Depth Profile System (WXCTD)
X-ray Imaging-based Mango Sorting System CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CERI), Rajasthan
Zinc-Nickel Electrodeposition on Stainless steel CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute(CECRI),Karaikudi
Zinc-Nickel Electrodeposition on Stainless Steel CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CECRI), Tamil Nadu
