Astronomy & Space Sciences
Space sciences cover Aviation & Aeronautics, Space Engineering, Rocket Science, Cryogenic Engineering, Geo spatial Technology and so on.
Total number of Record(s): 175
Name of Technology | Developing Agency |
Flame Retardant (FR) Overalls | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Flame Retardant Air Crew Survival Jacket | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Flame Retardant Gloves | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Flame Retardant Overall | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Generation and characterisation of entangled microwave photon states using a Josephson Parametric Convertor | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Hapo Bag | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Hapo Chamber | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Hawk Mask | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |
Head Up Display (HUD) | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh |
Heated Shoe Insoles for use with Boot Furline High Altitude | Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore |