Best Practices by WTPs
The Compilation of Best Practices and Success Stories of Women Technology Parks titled ‘Journey of Women Technology Parks towards Sustenance’ provides a collection of the best and the most promising examples which have been chosen to be successful WTP in improving the social status of rural women across India. It showcases the success stories of the WTPs and the best practices of the WTPs based on the assessment parameters. Those WTPs which have performed excellently on at least one of these parameters and have set a benchmark of a sort, being an ideal example for other WTPs on that particular parameter. Such WTPs have been classified as “Best Practices”. On the other hand, some have an overall performance above the average and are the ones that have been able to excel on most of these parameters. The tale of their success is narrated under the “Success Stories.” The lessons learnt in the process have been detailed in the section ‘Lesson Learnt’. Also, an outstanding section on ‘Sustainability Models’ has been added to detail about the sustainability models of some WTPs that depict how these entities should ideally function and operate so as to derive the optimum output, self-sustain themselves in the long run and act as a center for enhancing the standard of living and livelihood of women members.
Journey of Women Technology Parks towards Sustenance