Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals in Hydrology and Cryosphere in Indian Himalayan Region

The MoES, under the PAMC Hydrology and Cryosphere under the REACHOUT scheme, invites proposals for integrated research to generate critical databases and insights, enhancing water security, mitigating climate-induced risks, and promoting sustainable development in glacier-fed and raindependent regions.

Eligibility: Investigators belonging to Universities, Research/Academic institutions may submit proposals under any ONE of the following two themes: I. Cryosphere: Integrated study including remote observations, modelling and field-based investigation of glaciers and glacierized basins encompassing seasonal snow contributions in micro-watershed or micro-basin level. II. Hydrology: Basin-scale water sustainability studies under the impact of changing climate in India: rain and snow-fed; gauged and ungauged basins in India.

 Last date: Friday, February 14, 2025