Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals Under the India-Spain Programme of Cooperation on Industrial Research and Development

This call for proposals aims to launch ambitious joint R&D projects of a high international standard between Indian and Spanish organizations. Potential projects will be funded by DST through TDB in India and CDTI in Spain.

Eligibility: Eligible Spanish Applicants:Spanish consortia should include at least one company. Participation of research institutes/universities and other R&D organizations is welcome as self-funded participants or subcontractors.Eligible Indian Applicants:Eligible Indian applicants must be a commercial (for profit) company registered under The Companies Act 1956/2013, which operates in and is headquartered in India. Academic institutions and research centres, (including non-profit research institutes recognized by GoI) that are headquartered and operate from India are strongly encouraged to partner with the participating industry (IPL: Indian Project Lead).

 Last date: Tuesday, May 20, 2025