


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Synthetic Riboswitch mediated gene regulation of MTb genes responsible for its pathogenesis or survival Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2014 2017
Preclinical evaluation of UNIM-401 and UNIM-403 for psoriasis and UNIM-404 and UNIM-405 for vitiligo Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2019
Development of a scalable route for the manufacture of prussian blue insoluble of pharmaceutical grade, an FDA approved decorporation drug Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2019
Studying the role of reactive impurities in excipients on the formation of degradation products with genotoxic potential Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2019
Targeting lysyl oxidase-2 and miRNA for effective gene therapy of liver fibrosis Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Identification of virulence-associated genes of H. pylori from understudied South Indian population of gastric cancer and gastritis Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2018 2020
Retrograde regulation of methanol metabolism in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016 2019
In vitro and in vivo xenograft model based validation and efficacy studies of novel anticancer secondary metabolites against breast and cervical cancers Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2018 2021
Metabolic pathway analysis of L-DOPA synthesis in Mucunapruriens L. by characterization of catecholamine pathway with emphasis on modulation of tyrosine hydroxylase gene Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2015 2018
Uncovering the role of human mitochondrial heat shock protein 70(mthsp70) in pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease bad progression Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2012 2017
