

Scientific Resources - Expert Databases

National Researchers’ Network

VIDWAN is a leading database of profiles of scientists, researchers and other faculty members working at leading academic institutions and other R & D organisations involved in teaching and research in India. The platform provides vital information about expert's background, contact address, experience, scholarly publications, skills and accomplishments, etc. The database is developed and maintained by Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), an autonomous inter-university centre of University Grants Commission (UGC, Govt. of India), along with the financial support from the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT). The initiative would aid in the identification of peer reviewers for research proposals and potential research collaborators and provide valuable information about the experts to funding agencies and policy makers. Moreover, the database would be instrumental in the selection of panels of experts for various committees and taskforce that are established by the Ministries / Govt. establishments for monitoring and evaluation purposes.