


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh Life Sciences & Biotechnology
To determine the role of natural killer cells in the recruitment of periosteumderived osteoprogenitor cells and bone marrow-derived stromal cells in fracture healing of diabetic patients Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Development of a novel hands-free man-machine interaction technique for motor impaired people using affordable non-invasive electroencephalography brain computing interface device Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Setting up of registry and targeted exome sequencing in children with renal tubular disorders Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2019 2022
www oldagesolutions org - a web portal for welfare of older people Computer Sciences and Information Technology 2018
Technology-assisted pelvic motion characterization and gait rehabilitation for the elderly Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences 2018
Designing of a prototype to monitor Parkinson’s disease in elderly people by gait analysis using piezoresistive nanocomposites and machine learning techniques Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Medical Sciences 2018
Portable Intensive care and surveillance unit Other Areas 2018
Portable Intensive care and surveillance unit Other Areas 2018
Sign language to regional language converter (SLRLC) Other Areas, Computer Sciences and Information Technology 2018
