Studies on the interaction of rumen microbes with sulphur and its manipulation for improving livestock production | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2017 | 2019 |
Nutrigenomic approaches to elucidate the role of zinc and selenium in animals under abiotic stress conditions | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2017 | 2019 |
Nutritional and physiological approaches for enhancing reproductive performance in cattle and buffalo | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | 2020 |
Nutrition and gut health: Probiotics, prebiotics and phytogenics as functional foods to augment gut health of dogs | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | 2019 |
Veterinary type culture collection: Rumen microbes | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2010 | 2020 |
Role of plants as a modifier of rumen to reduce methane production and improve productivity in small animals | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | 2017 |
Metagenomic analysis and manipulation of buffalo rumen ecosystem to improve fibre utilization and reduce methane production | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2013 | 2018 |
Nanoformulations of selenium and zinc as functional feed supplements to improve health and productivity of animals | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | 2017 |
Kappaphycus alvarezii and Red seaweed based formulations for improving productivity and health of dairy and poultry animals | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2016 | 2018 |
Impact of seasonal variations and pollution load on aquatic environment and fish farming at micro level in different aquatic zones of river Ramganga | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | 2017 |