


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Production of nematode resistant tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.) a commercially important flowering plant through in vitro and RNAi techniques Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Role of Myb gene family in regulating carotenoid/apocarotenoid metabolic flux in crocus sativus Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Isolation and identification of miucroalgae from different agro ecological zones of kerala and its bio prospecting for lipid and pigment productivity Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Identification and characterization of novel genes and alleles contributing for resistant starch traits in foxtail millet Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Development of novel biodegradable beads of bacterial parasite, parasite, pasteuria penetrans as bionematicide Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Synthesis of Botrytis Gray Mold (BGM) Resistant Genepool following introgression of wild cier species with cultivated chickpea Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Study of root hair specific MATE tranporters to engineer low phosphate and acid soil tolerance in plants Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2016
Resistance to cucumber mosaic virus infection using intracellular antibody capture technology Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Investigation of the modulation of transceiptional regulation of CAM7 by COP1 and Ca++/Mg++ during Arbidopsis seedling development Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Nitrogen Management to mitigate N2O emission in rice wheat cropping system Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2016
