Coplanar waveguide feed to dielectric resonator antenna | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Material Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
Development of video segmentation and coding algorithm and architecture for very low bit rate applications | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
Development of intelligent FDIR scheme for a complex electro hydraulic actuation system | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Design of hardware accelerator for Gabor filter bank based image processor and its implementation on FPGA | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
Development of voltage regulator IC for ISRO applications | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
Design, analysis and optimization of navigation grade silicon based MEMS accelerometer (Phase – I) | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
Application of chaos in DC-DC converters for reduction of EMI | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
Feasibility study of compact foldable type trans / receive antenna design in 2-3GHz band | Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences | | |
GO2 / GCH4 combustion studies in high pressure rocket combustors | Astronomy & Space Sciences | 2018 | |
Underlay cognitive radio based satellite-terrestrial non-cooperative/cooperative communication for efficient resource utilization: Protocol design and performance analysis | Astronomy & Space Sciences | 2018 | |