Statistical energy analysis (SEA) for random vibration prediction of avionic decks of launch vehicles and its validation through experiment using the aeroacoustic ambience of actual rocket motors | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Developing a jet noise source localization technique using a microphone array with appropriate beam forming algorithms | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Coherent integration for space objects tracking | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Target identification using machine learning algorithms from MOTR radar data | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Real time JPDA and MHT based data association in dense multi target tracking environment | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Space debris RCS estimation and dynamics characterisation from MOTR space debris tracked data | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Active vibration control for cold atom gravimeter experiment | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Maglev controller and BLDC drive system | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
High speed self-bearing actuators | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Development of atomic magnetometer and quantum technologies | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |