


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Development of a promising material for electrical engineering based on powdered copper alloys with nanocrystalline dispersed tungsten inclusions Engineering Sciences
ZDHYDRO Development of an Integrated Zero Discharge Model for Sewage Sludge to Enhanced Hydrogen Production Engineering Sciences
Efficient Cost saving Grid friendly (ECoGrif) Power-to-X (PtX) Converter Engineering Sciences
A Data-driven Simulation-based Machine Learning Optimisation SML-Opt Framework to Support Net Zero Energy Building Retrofits in Canadian and Indian Contexts Energy Sciences
Fintech Platform Solution for Sustainable Energy System Intracting and Contracting boosting energy saving and renewable energy (FinSESCo) Energy Sciences
Development of A 10 kW Membrane Reformer Prototype for Production of Fuel Cell Grade Green-Hydrogen for Power Generation Energy Sciences
Geo-electrical characterization of the fault zone in the Himalayan foothills and Sub-Himalayan region in and around Mohand area Uttarakhand, India. This proposal is being submitted as follow up project of earlier sanctioned DST-DAAD project vide DST order no DST/INT/DAAD/P-19/2019 dated 15.07.2019 to complete unfinished, due to Covid Pandemic, approved project objectives Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Study of the Venusian climate through Radio Occultation experiments from orbiting spacecraft and modelling Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
A comprehensive approach to disentangle climate and land cover change impact on water resources DECLARE Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Developing a Wetland "Photobioreactor" Microbial Fuel Cell system for Household Wastewater Treatment Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
