Vermicomposting helped prevent migration for employment in Sikkim
Sikkim being a completely organic state is always in requirement of the good quality of compost, the farmers in the cluster have been selling the farmyard manure for a nominal fee. The facility (like composting shed and tool kit) that farmers had was very poor and they had no formal training. The rate they fetched from the market was decided after the compost quality test and due to unavailability of the testing facility, poor infrastructure, and lack of knowledge they fetched poor profit.
Through the scientific interventions of CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Sikkim Kishan Society people obtained good quality bio-degrader efficient even in cold temperature. Through organized cluster and funding from SFURTI scheme of MoMSME they obtained permanent sheds for the vermicomposting unit.
“I dropped my plan of migrating from my village for employment after I took up vermicomposting as profession. Earlier people were reluctant to venture into it but seeing the profit that I made other villagers started approaching me and showing their interest. It helps us in providing good education to our children,” said Kamal Subedi, Sikkim Kishan Society.
After the scientific method of vermicomposting was introduced, villagers started making huge profits by selling it. They are involved in testing, packaging and marketing of the organic manure.
Principal Investigator: Dr Rakshak Kumar, Scientist, Department of Biotechnology, CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology-176061, Palampur
Contact info:
Implementing Agency: CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
Funding Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)