
Course on Ultra Clean and Low Pulsation Gas Turbines

The primary objectives of the course are to understand the principles of clean gas turbine technology; Sharpen the engineering background for more efficient power generation cycles; Provide concepts for sustainable energy generation; Build capability amongst the participants in the design of ultra-low emission technologies; Provide exposure to combustion instabilities, their modeling and damping methods, enhancing the capability to model thermoacoustic problems and to develop mitigation measures.

Event type: Others

Target Group: Graduation, Post-Graduation, PhD, Faculty and Scientists

National/International: National

Area: Engineering Sciences

Contact details:

Focus:Gas Turbines

Ministry/Deptt/Institution:Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore

Venue & Location:Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore

Start date: 03-Nov-2019

End date: 07-Nov-2019