
Research Avenues in Drives and Control Engineering

This one week program aims at exposing the faculty members and participants to recent developments in the area of Drives and Control. The programme intends to develop awareness among faculties regarding the significance of Modern trends in modelling, simulation and control of complex systems for various new generation applications.

Event type: Others

Target Group: Graduation, Post-Graduation, PhD, Post-Doctoral, Faculty and Scientists

National/International: National

Area: Engineering Sciences

Contact details:

Focus:Recent developments in the area of Drives and Control

Ministry/Deptt/Institution:Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP), Ministry of Human Resources & Development (MHRD), Govt of India

Venue & Location:Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Start date: 23-Sep-2019

End date: 29-Sep-2019