Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT)

NIT Manipur Langol campus setting up 100-bedded quarantine centre

To combat the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, NIT Manipur, Langol, has set up of 100-bedded quarantine centre using classrooms and hostels of the institute inside the campus.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bhilai

IIT Bhilai fights against COVID-19: Faculty members makes novel face mask and swab

In this war against novel corona virus (COVID-19), IIT Bhilai promises to stand by our nation and to fight this war with our fellow citizen with its full capacity and perseverance. Under the able guidance of Director Prof. Rajat Moona, the researchers, faculty members and staffs of IIT Bhilai have dedicated themselves to develop novel technologies to help the medical doctors and the healthcare personnel.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Palakkad

ITI Limited Palakkad signs MoU with IIT Palakkad to create technological solutions for combating Covid-19

Public Sector Undertaking, ITI Limited Palakkad, has entered into an agreement with IIT Palakkad for jointly developing Electronics & Controls of Portable Emergency Ventilator and Pulse Plethysmograph for Intensive Care Units (ICUs). This prototype will be fine-tuned to make it compatible for ICUs. ITI Limited will also work with IIT Palakkad in developing the Electronics & Controls of Portable Emergency Ventilator.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Palakkad

IIT Palakkad and Kanjikode Industries Forum sign MoU for developing Portable Emergency Medical Ventilator

IIT Palakkad has signed an MoU with Kanjikode Industries Forum (KIF) for jointly developing affordable portable emergency ventilator that can be used in the care of patients with COVID-19. The ventilator will provide control over respiratory rate, pressure, tidal (breath) volume, inspiratory time, expiratory time and ventilator modes.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi

COVID-19-related research and development at IIT Delhi

IIT Delhi faculty members and researchers of different departments have taken various initiatives to combat COVID-19. In alignment with the combating the coronavirus outbreak, related R&D in many areas have been conducted to develop various technological products. These include production of 3-layered good quality surgical masks for hospitals & healthcare professionals, production of high efficiency face masks (N95), development of antimicrobial fabric for protection against hospital-acquired infection, detection assay for COVID-19, 3-ply mask, laminated knitted textile-based coverall, etc.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar

IIT Ropar develops design of Negative Pressure rooms to check spread of COVID19

IIT Ropar has sent their proposal to the Ministry of Human Research and Development (MHRD) and principal scientific adviser for creating negative pressure isolation rooms on a mass scale to prevent room-to-room crosscontamination in hospitals. The negative pressure room ensures that released droplets of the infected do not stay suspended and is sucked out through the ventilation. South Korea has been able to contain the COVID-19 through their mobile and drive through testing facilities which have negative pressure rooms. The testing labs and isolation rooms (which have one or more COVID patient) need to be converted into negative pressure rooms for the safety of health workers.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar

Ventilator that can treat two patients, courtesy IIT Ropar scientists

In a significant achievement in fighting the Coronavirus, the IIT Ropar researchers have now come up with the low cost and portable ventilators that can be easily and quickly manufactured as per the requirement. These ventilators can provide oxygen to two patients at a time.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar

IIT-Ropar develops device to clean, reuse PPE kits

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar have come up with a technique to clean and sterilize personal protection equipment (PPE) kits, including surgical masks and other protective gears, without causing any damage to those.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar

IIT-Ropar scholar, private engineers group, develop an app to prevent community transmission

IIT-Ropar scholar and some engineers of Lagom Innovation Pvt of different streams have developed an android application that may prove helpful in curbing the community transmission of the virus. The app can identify the suspect within a distance from 1 to 3 meters. The app also maintains a record of the persons coming contact with each other for 14 days and this will and this will make easy to trace out the persons who had come in contact with the COVID-19 suspect.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi

Call for Proposal for COVID-19 Research at IIT Delhi Supercomputer

IIT Delhi is committing a total of INR 1 crore worth of High Performance Computing (HPC) Resource for COVID-19 research to merit based proposals selected from a nationwide call of proposals. All proposals will be evaluated by experts from IIT Delhi. Proposals will be evaluated on first come first serve basis. Deadline for submitting proposals is 15th April.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati Invites COVID-19 Grand Challenge

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati is seeking solution(s) from the students community on measures that can be adopted on priority basis to tackle this pandemic crisis of any one of the broad objectives on Detection of infected persons, Precautions to halt its spread, Newer treatment approaches, Society impact, Behavior changes, Disease outbreak pattern, Resources distribution, Transportation of goods, Migration of humans, Supporting health care workers, Supporting essential services.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

DST sets up rapid response centre at SINE, IIT Bombay to combat COVID-19

Department of Science & Technology, Government of India in a rapid response to combat COVID-19 global pandemic approved setting up of a Centre for Augmenting WAR with COVID-19 Health Crisis (CAWACH) at a total cost of Rs 56 Cr to scout, evaluate and support the innovations and start-ups that address COVID-19 challenges. The Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE), a technology business incubator at IIT Bombay supported by DST has been identified as the Implementing Agency of the CAWACH. CAWACH will identify upto 50 innovations and startups that are in the area of novel, low cost, safe and effective ventilators, respiratory aids, protective gears, novel solutions for sanitizers, disinfectants, diagnostics, therapeutics, informatics and any effective interventions to control COVID-19.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Researcher make hand sanitizer for local use

A team of researchers from IIT Kharagpur’s School of Medical Science and Technology quickly developed an alcohol based hand rub following the present scenario of scarcity of hand sanitizers/ hand wash preparations in the market due to their heavy demand. The team created the formulation based on guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization. The Transport Section of the Institute has also developed another formulation.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Face Shields for Healthcare Workers During Lockdown

Professor Santanu Dhara and Professor Sangeeta Das Bhattacharya, researchers at the School of Medical Science and Technology at IIT Kharagpur have made a prototype to make face shields for healthcare workers from home during the lockdown. The face shield is an essential part of the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for healthcare workers taking care of patients with suspected COVID-19.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

IIT Kanpur researchers to design a cost-effective virucidal coating of surgical masks for preventive measures against COVID-19

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), a statutory body under Department of Science and Technology, is supporting a research by a team of scientists from IIT Kanpur for developing a protective coating that would greatly help in making medicated masks and medical wear (PPE) for fighting COVID-19. The researchers from the Department of Chemistry in IIT Kanpur will be designing the virucidal coating using polymers which can resist attachment of bacteria and virus. An additional protection will be included to the polymer coating using molecules that can either destabilize and/or neutralize corona viruses and other viruses like influenza. The combination of anti-microbial polymer coating and functionalized drugs is also expected to provide a synergistic antiviral effect.