
Promoting Academic Research Conversion to Enterprise (PACE)

Biotechnological research and development in India is largely carried out by academic institutions (universities/research organizations) and to some extent by industry (mostly large companies). By virtue of their strong infrastructure & technical capability academic/ research establishments are mandated to research on variety of problems of national importance and societal relevance. Also, unlike industry, research by academia is not governed by commercial gains alone thus allowing them to work on problems involving even high degree of risk. To encourage/support academia to develop technology/product (up to PoC stage) of societal/ national importance and its subsequent validation by an industrial partner, BIRAC has launched PACE (Promoting Academic Research Conversion to Enterprise). The scheme has two components as below: 1. Academic Innovation Research (AIR): The objective of Academic Innovation Research (AIR) scheme is to promote development of Proof-of-concept (PoC) for a process/product by academia with or without the involvement of industry. 2.Contract Research Scheme (CRS): Contract Research Scheme (CRS) aims at validation of a process or prototype (developed by the academia) by the industrial partner.

Eligibility: For Academic Innovation Research (AIR): (a). Under the scheme, academia (Public or Private Institute, University, NGO, or Research Foundation) having a well-established support system for research shall be the primary applicant. It can apply either: (1) Individually, or (2) Jointly with academic* and/or industrial** partner *For Public or Private Institute, University, NGO, or Research Foundation, proper registration/accreditation from a government body is mandatory **Participating company (if any) should be registered under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 with at least 51% Indian shareholding i.e., shares of the Company should be held by Indian Citizens holding Indian passport (Indian citizens do not include Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) holders). (b). The applicant Company should have adequate in-house facility to address the project implementation or incubated with any of the recognized incubation facility.

For Contract Research Scheme (CRS): (a). Academia* has to be the Primary Applicant with one or more partners of which at least one is a company** *For Public or Private Institute, University, NGO, or Research Foundation, proper registration/accreditation from a government body is mandatory **Participating company should be registered under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 with at least 51% Indian shareholding i.e., shares of the Company should be held by Indian Citizens holding Indian passport (Indian citizens do not include Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) holders). (b). The applicant Company should have adequate in-house facility to address the project implementation (which shall be evaluated during the site visit) or incubated with any of the recognized incubation facility.

Funding Grant: For Academic Innovation Research (AIR): Total cost of the project must not exceed Rs. 50 lakhs (Non-recurring cost must not exceed 10% of the total cost). For Contract Research Scheme (CRS): Funding in the form of grant is provided to both academic as well as industrial partners. While funding is provided to the academia for In-House research which forms a part of validation of the Proof of Concept, funds are provided to the industrial partner for validation. There is no ceiling to the funding.

Area: Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences

Ministry/Dept: Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India

Purpose: Capacity Building, Innovations, Research

Institute Involved: Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)

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