
Technology Business Incubator (NIDHI-TBI)

NSTEDB  aims to nurture Startups through incubation. TBIs are ecosystem institutions that are one stop solution for the start-up’s in their early vulnerable years. TBI’s support is invaluable in supporting and nurturing a start-up by providing access to critical resources during their most vulnerable stage in their lifecycle. TBI’s assume the role of an implementing agency for the diverse govt. schemes and programs. Apart from that, they also have the freedom of an autonomous entity to effective support startups with commercialisation and marketing assistance. 
1. These institutions were envisioned with objectives to create jobs, wealth and business through promoting new technology/knowledge/innovation based startups 
2. They accelerate the process of technology commercialisation (academia to industry/society) through establishing a vibrant startup ecosystem(network) among all the stakeholders.
3. They provide cost effective access to the the business development and value added services mentioned above.

Eligibility: A. The proposal is to be submitted by an Academic/ Technical/ R&D Institution [called Host Institute (HI)] and other institutions with a proven track record in promotion of technology based entrepreneurship. The host institute is supposed to have adequate expertise and infrastructure to support incubation activities.
B.  In case, the host institute is other than an academic institution, it should be a legal entity registered in India with the clear purpose and objective of promoting research, innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

Funding Grant: Maximam Upto Rs. 15 Crores (Pubic Institute) and Rs. 11 Crores for others

Time Period: 5 Years

Area: All Science Disciplines

Ministry/Dept: Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India

Purpose: Capacity Building, Innovations

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