Tamarind De-Seeder
Details: The tamarind seed-separating machine consists of a seed separation unit with separate outlets for the seeds and deseeded tamarind. In the separation unit, tamarind is subjected to rubbing force by two rollers, mounted on frame, to break open the fruit and to push the seeds out. It can be operated manually as well as by electric motor. The tamarind de-seeder costs Rs. 28000 and weighs about 50 kg. The manual version and power operated version have productivity of 5-6 kg/h and 10 kg/h respectively. The deseeding efficiency is reported to be 71.49% (testing report of SLFMTTC, Bhubaneshwar).
Innovator: Dayaram Vishram Chouhan, Jeypore, Odisha
State: Jeypore, Odisha
Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India
Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF), info.nif@nifindia.org