Grassroot Innovations

Tillage Equipment with Mechanical Sensor

Details: Ghanshyam had observed the organic farming practices of his neighbours and felt the need of having advanced technologies for intercultural tillage operation. This motivated him to develop a Tractor PTO operated multipurpose equipment having attachments like plough, disc harrow, weeder, grass cutter and furrow opener. While in operation, whenever the mechanical sensing rod strikes any plant/tree, the whole working unit moves away from it, through the spring attachment, and helps protect tree roots from getting cut. It also results in leaving very small area around the trees uncultivated. The implement can be attached to any tractor of 22hp and above, and can cover an area of 1 acre in an hour.

Innovator: Ghanshyam Jadhav, Nashik, Maharashtra

State: Nashik, Maharashtra

Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India

Implementing institute: National Innovation Foundation India (NIF),


The mechanical sensor with spring attachment automatically moves the equipment away from trees upon contact, protecting root systems and promoting sustainable practices. Leaves minimal uncultivated areas around trees, maximizing land use and efficiency. Covers a significant area of 1 acre per hour, making it a time-saving tool for farmers.

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