Industrial Innovations

Hybrid Idler

Jyoti Cero innovated a hybrid idler having high abrasion resistance, 8-10 times better life, low coefficient of friction and 10-12% energy efficient as compare to the conventional products. It is used in steel industries, cement plant, power plant and in mining sector.

Area: Energy Sciences

Innovator: Mr. Manoj Kumar, Managing Partner, Jyoti Cero Rubber,

Funding agency: Ministry of Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt of India

Benefits: The hybrid idlers have very high abrasion resistance properties and very low coefficient of friction. Its lifespan has been extended eight-ten folds. The benefits include reduction of cost of replacing idlers, reduction of down time for replacing idlers, and reduction in maintenance support.

Implementing institute: Jyoti Cero Rubber, Jamshedpur

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