
DE2175871: A method of treating Rheumatic and Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (RMSDs), including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis in an anumal, herbal preparations for degenerative disorders:osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Filing Date: 09-02-2010

Issue Date: 31-08-2016

Applicant: CSIR-SGA

Patent No: DE2175871

Application No: EP08789918.3

Inventor(s): Bhushan Patwardhan, Arvind Chopra, Gumdal Narsimulu, Rohini Handa, Lata S Bichile, Ghulam Nabi Qazi, Arvind Manohar Mujumdar, Venil N Sumantran, Palpu Pushpangadan, Shanta Mehrotra, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Sayyada Khatoon, Subha Rastogi, Govindarajan Raghavan, Ashwinikumar Raut

Country: Germany

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