
EP2600891: Protein fusion constructs possessing thrombolytic and anticoagulant properties

The invention discloses novel hybrid proteins that have both plasminogen activator and anti-thrombotic properties, including clot specific action, that renders these as highly advantageous for the treatment of circulatory disorders involving fibrin clot formation due to underlying tissue damage in the blood vessels leading to myocardial infarction, strokes etc. Also disclosed are new proteins, and methods of obtaining the same, that help to dissolve blood clots by activating plasminogen in a plasmin or thrombin dependent manner and also inhibit both the activity and generation of thrombin through the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation.

Filing Date: 05-03-2013

Issue Date: 17-01-2018

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMT), Chandigarh

Patent No: EP2600891

Application No: 11814174

Inventor(s): Neeraj Maheshwari; Girish Sahni

IPC Classification: A61K 003900, A61K 004800, C12N 001562, C12P 002108

Country: European Patent Office (EPO)

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