
FR2670416: A synthetic peptide formulation against melanoma and other cancers over-expressing S100B

The invention describes a novel bivalent helically constrained peptide targeted against S100B that is an effective anti-cancer drug against cancers that over-express S100B. This helix mimetic targeted against S100B induces rapid apoptosis in cancer cells that over-express a calcium binding protein S100B through simultaneous inhibition of key growth pathways including activation of p53.

Filing Date: 30-07-2013

Issue Date: 30-11-2016

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB), Kolkata

Patent No: FR2670416

Application No: 12710321

Inventor(s): Amlanjyoti Dhar, Shampa Mallick, Israr Ahmed, Aditya Konar, Santu Bandyopadhyay, Siddhartha Roy

IPC Classification: A61K38/00, C07K14/00,

Country: France

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