
Improved v-trough solar concentrator system for enhanced power output form conventional photovoltaic array powering a community scale reverse osmosis desalination unit

The present invention provides a V-trough solar concentrator photovoltaic system having multiple photovoltaic panels, more specifically the laying out of the panels in the form of long rows with overall aspect ratio > 8 to boost the electrical energy output over a day during February and May by as much as 100% and 86%, respectively, without recourse to any tracking, and only through seasonal adjustments of the reflector angles following computational methods. The unit is also suitably equipped with metal embedded paraffin waxes to self limit the temperature rise in this configuration. Using the same number of PV panels, a higher output of desalinated RO water is made with the help of the present invention.

Filing Date: 28-07-2009

Issue Date: 28-05-2019

Patent No: IN313273 [India]

Application No: 1550/DEL/2009

Inventor(s): Subarna Maiti; Pushpito Kumar Ghosh; Sodankur Thimmannabhat Rajan; Sohan Lal Daga; Jitendra Narsinhbhai Bharadia; Kairavi Gaurav Vyas; Pratap Shashikant Bapat; Pankaj Arvind Patel; Sanat Kumar Natvarlal Patel; Labhubhai Manajibhai Kachadia; Gaurang Shambhuprasad Trivedi; Praful Kalubhai Harsora; Hitesh Mohanbhai Tadvi

Implementing institute: Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat

Funding agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India

IPC Classification: H01L 31/00

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