
IN227099: A membrane based device for concentrating aqueous solutions

The invention relates to an improvised membrane-based device for speedier and effective concentrating of aqueous solution upto about 95%, a method of manufacturing an improved membrane-based device for speedier and effective concentrating of aqueous solution upto 95%, and also, an improved process of speedier and effective concentrating of the aqueous solution upto about 95% using the aforementioned membrane-based device, said process comprising steps of feeding the aqueous solution into the aqueous solution container, filtering the fed solution to remove suspended particles, passing the resultant filtered solution into a membrane module, segregating permeate and concentrate in the membrane module, and recycling the concentrate multiple times to obtain the highly concentrated final concentrate.

Filing Date: 31-03-2005

Issue Date: 02-01-2009

Applicant: CSIR-Central Salt Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar

Patent No: IN227099

Application No: 01269DELNP2005

Inventor(s): Pushpito Kumar Ghosh, Virendrakumar Jayantilal Shah, Jayant Batukrai Pandya

IPC Classification: A61K 35/78

Country: India

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