
IN228286: An improved pH transmitter device for on-line high current application

A pH transmitter for on-line high current applications, that has a current output of 4 to 20mA, comprising of a pH sensor, electronic hardware circuits to process the sensor output, to compensate for pH variation with temperature, to calibrate the transmitter using buffers, and to provide current output corresponding to 0 to 14 pH, has been developed that has application to monitor and transport the pH signal over a large distance in chemical and electrochemical processes that involve high currents in industrial environment.

Filing Date: 29-05-2003

Issue Date: 23-02-2007

Applicant: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru

Patent No: IN228286

Application No: 0742DEL2003

Inventor(s): Grips VKW, Rajagopal I, Rajam KSS

IPC Classification: G08C019/16

Country: India

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