The invention relates to a process for preparation of white pepper from black pepper. Pepper is the dried fruit of the perennial climbing vine, Piper nigrum L (Piperaceae). It is grown mainly in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Brazil. The annual production of pepper is 2,12,200 tonnes of which black pepper accounts for 1,68,700 and white peeper 43,500 tonnes respectively. Sarawak, Brazilian, Jamaican and Indian are the major types of black pepper in world trade. Black pepper is made by sun drying of fully matured green pepper. The spikes are harvested and left overnight in a heap. The berries are separated from stalks by trampling and rubbing by hand. The separated berries are dried in the sun. Mechanical drying is also practiced. White pepper is preferred to black pepper in some western countries. It is used as table pepper and also for cream soups, white pickles and sea food salad, casseroles of chicken, egg, fish etc., It is used in products like mayonnaise where the black specks from the skin of black pepper is not desired. References of making white pepper by traditional method and improved methods are available. Traditionally white pepper is made by retting method. The fully ripened green pepper is filled into gunny bags and soaked in running water for 8-10 days for the softening of the outer skin. After softening of the berries, the skin is separated by trampling followed by washing and sun drying. This method is followed in white pepper producing countries.