
IN243879: A process for preparation of sulfated zirconia catalyst

A process for the preparation of Sulfated Zirconia catalyst comprising the steps of hydrolyzing Zirconium alkoxide and sulfating with Sulfuric acid to obtain sulfated Zirconia; drying the sulfated zirconia followed by calcining the dried sulfated zirconia to obtain nano-crystalline sulfated zirconia catalyst, activating the dried and sulfated zirconia catalyst in the range of 400-450°C for 2-4 hrs to get sulfated zirconia catalyst.

Filing Date: 17-08-2004

Issue Date: 10-11-2010

Applicant: CSIR – Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar

Patent No: IN243879

Application No: 1530DEL2004

Inventor(s): Jasra Raksh Vir, Tyagi Beena, Mishra Manish Kumar

IPC Classification: B01J 27/033

Country: India

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