
IN251695: A process for the preparation of dietary fiber from coconut residue

The invention particularly relates to preparation of the dietary fiber having fat content less than 2% and particle size 500µm and having a long shelf life from coconut residue. The solvent extraction of the product to reduce the fat content below 2% and grinding of the solvent extracted and completely dried fiber are the critical steps, which enabled the dietary fiber from coconut residue to have residual fat content and particle size 500µm with a long shelf life.

Filing Date: 31-03-2005

Issue Date: 28-03-2012

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysore

Patent No: IN251695

Application No: 0741DEL2005

Inventor(s): Navin Kumar Rastogi, Ksms Raghavarao, K Girish, R N Tharanathan, Sourav Kumar, S G Jayaprakashan, S Mahadevamma

IPC Classification: A23L 1/10

Country: India

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