
IN253826: A process for the preparation of primary alkyl glycerol ethers useful as biofuel additive from glycerol

The invention provides a process for the preparation of primary alkyl glycerol ethers. More particularly, it provides a process for the preparation of glycerol ethers by etherification of glycerol with an alcohol in the presence of solid acid catalyst. The process comprises contacting a mixture of a primary alcohol and a glycerol-containing feedstock with a solid catalyst in a reactor at a temperature in the range of 60 to 300°C and a pressure of 1 -10 bars and separating out most of the formed glycerol ethers from the reaction mixture. The solid catalyst used in the invention is a solid acid catalyst, preferably alumina, silicoalumina, an aluminosilicate molecular sieve, a silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve, acid-washed clay, solid phosphoric acid or sulfated zirconium oxide.

Filing Date: 04-12-2006

Issue Date: 28-08-2012

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN253826

Application No: 2582DEL2006

Inventor(s): Dharbha Srinivas, Lakshmi Saikia

IPC Classification: C07D 303/00

Country: India

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