
IN253874: A process for the preparation of sodium silicate from kimberlite taliling

In the invention, a process for the preparation of sodium silicate from Kimberlite tailing generated as solid waste during diamond mining is disclosed. The process comprises, reacting Kimberlite tailing with mineral acid to remove acid soluble impurities followed by digesting acid treated Kimberlite tailing with alkali solution in a open or closed system to obtain Sodium Silicate useful for commercial applications. Kimberlite tailing - the solid waste generated during diamond mining - is converted to silica rich raw material for producing Sodium Silicate. The digestion of acid treated-silica rich Kimberlite with Sodium Hydroxide solution at relatively moderate temperature and atmospheric pressure gives Sodium Silicate essentially because the Silica present in Kimberlite is an active silica and not in highly thermodynamically stable form.

Filing Date: 10-11-2005

Issue Date: 30-08-2012

Applicant: CSIR – Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar

Patent No: IN253874

Application No: 3012DEL2005

Inventor(s): Jasra Raksh Vir, Bajaj Hari Chand, Somani Rajesh Shantilal, Mody Haresh Mahipatlal, Chunawala Jatin Rameshchandra, Ghelani Devendra Laljibhai, Ranpara Hemal Narendra Kumar, Barochiya Dipti Jivanbhai, Suresh Chandra, Dhar M K, C Kesava Rao, Kamlesh Kumar

IPC Classification: B03B 7/00

Country: India

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