
IN254099: An improved process for the production of blended cement containing higher proportion of fly ash using high-energy milling

The invention relates to an improved process for the production of blended cement containing higher proportion of fly ash using high-energy milling. The invention particularly relates to a process for the production of Portland pozzolana cement using cement clinker and higher proportion of fly ash, which is a waste material generated from thermal power plants. Novelty of the present invention is that it uses fly ash, which is an industrial waste, in the range of 25 -75% by weight. Also the products produced by the process of invention have better early compressive strength (1 day 1-10 MPa, 3 day 10-20 MPa) that the products produced by conventional processes (1 day 1-5 MPa, 3 day 5-16 MPa).

Filing Date: 10-03-2006

Issue Date: 19-09-2012

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur

Patent No: IN254099

Application No: 0644DEL2006

Inventor(s): Rakesh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Amitava Bandopadhyay, Surya Pratap Mehrotra

IPC Classification: C04B18/04

Country: India

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