
IN255528: An improved process for preparation of high-grade manganese ore concentrate from finely disseminated low-grade siliceous manganese ore

The finely disseminated low-grade siliceous manganese ore was liberated by fine grinding. The aggregates of fine particles were dispersed by ultrasonic treatment and kept in dispersed condition by agitation and high temperature. The dispersion was enhanced by the addition of solution containing sodium meta silicate, ferric nitrate nonahydrate, and sulphuric acid. The manganese chloride tetrahydrate was added to create favorable conditions for collector adsorption on manganese minerals. The dilute sodium oleate solution was added to favour monolayer adsorption. The kerosene increased floe formation and floe strength. The floes could be effectively floated in a mechanical flotation cell. It was possible to prepare manganese concentrate of 43.85% Mn grade at 68.24% recovery and concentrate of 48.01% Mn grade at 50.31% recovery.

Filing Date: 26-07-2005

Issue Date: 28-02-2013

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT), Bhubaneswar

Patent No: IN255528

Application No: 1978DEL2005

Inventor(s): Pradyumna Kumar Naik, Palli Sita Rama Reddy, Vibhuti Narain Misra

IPC Classification: C22B3/06

Country: India

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