
IN260018: A formulation of ready to eat onion bar

The invention relates to a formulation and preparation of ready-to-eat onion bar. The product prepared by this method described herein is in the form of a bar that can be used as ready-to-eat product or as an adjunct in the preparation of bakery product (like tutty fruity). The product is in the form of bar and can be stored for 4 months after suitable packing. The product contains moisture-13.2 percent, pH-4.9, flavonoid (quercetin)-56.7mg/100g. Apart from its use as ready-to-eat product or secondary ingredient, this product can be used as nutraceuticals.

Filing Date: 31-03-2005

Issue Date: 31-03-2014

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Lucknow

Patent No: IN260018

Application No: 0726DEL2005

Inventor(s): Sukumar Debnath, Kodangala Keshava Bhat, Jayapal Hemavathy, Belur Ramaswamy Iyengar Lokesh

IPC Classification: A23L 1/212

Country: India

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