
IN262813: A method of staining proteins using Alta

The invention discloses the use of a pre-existing scarlet red stain of cosmetic use, called Alta, for staining SDS polyacrylamide gels and nitrocellulose membranes. This stain is easy to use, inexpensive and the destaining procedure requires only low concentration of acetic acid as compared to the conventional de-stainer containing methanol/acetic acid/water.

Filing Date: 01-09-2005

Issue Date: 16-09-2014

Applicant: CSIR-SGA

Patent No: IN262813

Application No: 2338DEL2005

Inventor(s): Jayanta Kumar Pal, Dhanashri Godbole, Kiran Sharma

IPC Classification: G01N 33/68

Country: India

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