
IN263489: A method of forming a ceramic lining on the inside surface of a hollow truncated right circular cone

The invention discloses a method of forming a ceramic lining of uniform thickness on the inward surface of a hollow axisymmetric cone, such as on the inside surface of a hollow truncated right circular cone. The method of the invention provides a ceramic lining on the inside surface of a hollow truncated right circular cone by simultaneous biaxial rotation of the hollow truncated right circular cone and carrying out a thermit reaction inside such a cone while it is rotating. This is accomplished by carrying out a highly exothermic reaction, capable of self-propagation after ignition and releasing sufficient heat to result in molten product or products, such as an exothermic thermit reaction, inside a hollow axisymmetric cone, such as on the inside surface of a hollow truncated right circular cone subjected to biaxial rotation.

Filing Date: 08-05-2007

Issue Date: 30-10-2014

Applicant: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru

Patent No: IN263489

Application No: 0993DEL2007

Inventor(s): Rajaiyengar Seshadri, Arumugam Arul Paligan

Country: India

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