
IN264507: A process for obtaining water dispersible astaxanthin composition

The invention relates to a process for obtaining water dispersible astaxanthin composition. Astaxanthin is a red ketocarotenoid from green alga Haematococcus pluvialis SAG 19-1a. Astaxanthin is extensively used in farmed salmon, trout and poultry as pigmentation source. However, in recent years its nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications gained importance due to its high antioxidant activity. Astaxanthin in food grade solvent and edible matrix dissolved in aqueous solvent, were homogenized and evaporated to get water dispersible astaxanthin composition. This astaxanthin containing composition can be used as nutraceutical as well as colorant in the aqueous medium.

Filing Date: 30-03-2007

Issue Date: 31-12-2014

Applicant: Sandesh Kamath Burde, Ravi Sarada, Vidhyavathi Raman, Gokare Aswathanarayana Ravishankar

Patent No: IN264507

Application No: 0712DEL2007

Country: India

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