
IN266633: A machine for the continuous manufacturing of beta-form polyvinylidene fluoride (pvdf) polymer film for piezoelectric applications and a process thereof

The invention discloses a machine and a process for the continuous manufacturing of beta-form PVDF polymer film for piezoelectric applications. The machine consists in combination an extruder unit, a chill roll unit and a stretching machine. The extruder produces ±-form PVDF film from PVDF granules. The film is then taken out via chill roll unit to the stretching unit consisting of adjustable heating rollers and wind-up rollers to convert the ±-form to beta-form film. Machine of present invention is simple, flexible, portable and feasible considering the cost of production. The process of the present invention is continuous in operation and bulk amounts of ±-form PVDF film can be converted to -form.

Filing Date: 09-10-2007

Issue Date: 21-05-2015

Applicant: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru

Patent No: IN266633

Application No: 2121DEL2007

Inventor(s): Jain Anjana, Mahesale Sreenivasa Pradeep, Deshpande Anil Ashok

IPC Classification: F01

Country: India

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