
IN279216: A portable device for in-situ sub-sampling of aqueous sediments

In the invention there is provided a portable device for in-situ sub-sampling of aqueous sediments, which is direct and easy method enabling of close interval in-situ sub-sampling / sectioning of unconsolidated aqueous sediments up to millimeters level using a novel core liner which comprises of series of ring sections required sediment thickness or assorted thickness, aligned and joined together to form a tubular core liner. The said device is made to work mechanically to have full control over precise sub-sampling or sectioning of the in-situ aqueous sediments in real time at the required interval up to millimeters level and also preventing the sediment in the sections from mixing or contamination at the same time.

Filing Date: 03-05-2007

Issue Date: 16-01-2017

Applicant: CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), Goa

Patent No: IN279216

Application No: 0960DEL2007

Inventor(s): Anil Bhimrao Valsangkar

IPC Classification: B01D24/00

Country: India

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