
IN280521: A formulation for flavour enriched compounded asafoetida and a process for thee preparation thereof

Flavour enriching of asafoetida comprises blending the encapsulated asafoetida volatile oil with compounded asafoetida and other permitted food additives. The encapsulation of asafoetida is carried out by spray drying an aqueous emulsion of gum and emulisifier contains asafoetida oil obtained from either Irani or Pathani asafoetida. The compounded asafoetida is prepared by blending one or two varieties of above mentioned asafoetida with edible starches. The flavour enriched asafoetida is used as a flavour adjunct in soups, curry mixes and fried snacks.

Filing Date: 30-03-2007

Issue Date: 22-02-2017

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Lucknow

Patent No: IN280521

Application No: 0713DEL2007

Inventor(s): Kulathooran Ramalakshmi, Sankaramthadil Gangadharan Jayaprakashan, Bashyam Raghavan, Vishweshwaraiah Prakash

IPC Classification: A23L

Country: India

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