
IN283454: An improved device to produce amorphous or finely grained wide metallic ribbons in a single step from molten metal

The invention relates to an improved device for production of rapidly quenched ferrous and non-ferrous amorphous or finely grained wide metallic ribbons in a single step from molten metal. The device consists of a rotating Cu wheel which acts as a heat sink to quench the alloy melt to get upto 1.5 kilogram of wide metallic glass ribbons by melt spinning technique. The equipment has the facility of positioning the melting stage at a location farther away form the ejection stage thereby limiting the undesirable radiant heating of quenching wheel. The crucible can also be placed at precise locations and at a precise angle above the quenching wheel that are essential parameters for planar flow casting technique to get continuous ribbons. The device can be used to prepare both ferrous and non-ferrous glassy ribbons having width in the range of 2mm to 40mm.

Filing Date: 05-03-2008

Issue Date: 22-05-2017

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur

Patent No: IN283454

Application No: 0522DEL2008

Inventor(s): Paul Kanchan Kumar, Mallik Alak Kumar, Panda Ashis Kumar, Kumar Arvind, Mitra Amitava

IPC Classification: B22D11/00

Country: India

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