
IN283789: A biomimetic process for the synthesis of aqueous ferrofluids for biomedical applications

The invention provides a process for the synthesis of functionalized ferrofluids by a biomimetic route for biomedical applications. It also provides a process for the in situ synthesis of aqueous ferrofluids in a pre-organized polymer matrix in which the magnetic content can be varied and which has negligible residual magnetism.

Filing Date: 22-03-2010

Issue Date: 31-05-2017

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur

Patent No: IN283789

Application No: 0672DEL2010

Inventor(s): Nayar Suprabha, Sinha Arvind, Pramanik Ashit Kumar

IPC Classification: A61K9/14

Country: India

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