
IN286113: A process for the preparation of porous conducting carbon composite electrode suitable for fuel cell application

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of porous carbon paper and particularly to the manufacture of porous carbon paper having porosity in the range of 50 -70 % to be used as electrode substrate for a Proton Exchange Membrane or Phosphoric acid fuel cell.

Filing Date: 26-02-2007

Issue Date: 07-08-2017

Applicant: CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi

Patent No: IN286113

Application No: 0395DEL2007

Inventor(s): Mathur Rakesh Behari, Dhami Tersem Lal, Maheshwari Priyanka Heda, Gupta Anil Kumar, Rangarajan Jagannathan, Sharma Rajendra Kumar, Sharma Chatra Pal

IPC Classification: H01M 8/00

Country: India

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