
IN287024: An improved process for the preparation of coconut jams

The invention relates to an improved process for the preparation of coconut jam. The process comprised the addition of at least one reducing sugar in combination with other thickening agents, pectin, firming agent, sucrose, emulsifier, acidulent, preservatives and optionally with the addition of any suitable food grade color either individually or in combination with other permitted food grade color. The coconut jams prepared by the present invention have excellent sensory characteristics in terms of color, texture, flavor and overall quality. Coconut jams were microbiologically safe for consumption for minimum of three months with no rancidity or off flavor development. The coconut jams prepared by the present invention have good storage stability like other commercial fruit-based jams at room temperature (RT). The extended shelf life of coconut jams was found to be 6 months at tropical ambient and more than six months at 2°C without any rancidity or off flavor development.

Filing Date: 13-08-2009

Issue Date: 01-09-2017

Applicant: CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysore

Patent No: IN287024

Application No: 1689DEL2009

Inventor(s): Attar Singh Chauhan, Mysore Narayana Rekha, Pradeep Singh Negi, Nusrath Nasir, Karumanchi Srisaila Mallikarjuna Srinivasa Raghavarao, Sankaramthadathil Gangadharan Jayaprakashan, Amudha Senthil

IPC Classification: A23L 1/06

Country: India

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