
IN290986: A novel method of depositing corrosion resistant metal nitride hard coatings with nano particle strengthened nickel- based composite coatings as inter layer on steel substrates

A method of depositing hard, corrosion and wear resistant transition metal nitrides like TiN, ZrN, CrN coatings on work pieces and utility articles by magnetron sputtering in a reactive atmosphere is described. In reactive sputtering of Titanium, Zirconium and Chromium in a nitrogen containing atmosphere to deposit a layer of the corresponding nitride on a substrate, the adhesion, wear, hardness and corrosion resistance are markedly enhanced by the introduction of an interlayer. The intermediate layer is preferably of brush plated Ni with Al2O3 nano composite. This intermediate layer acts as a barrier to improve corrosion and wear resistance.

Filing Date: 14-02-2011

Issue Date: 22-12-2017

Applicant: CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI), Tamil Nadu

Patent No: IN290986

Application No: 0359DEL2011

Inventor(s): Balasubramanian Subramanian, Subramanian Mohan, Muthirulandi Jayachandran, Parasuraman Kuppusami

IPC Classification: C23C 28,00

Country: India

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