
IN292352: An improved process for the hydrothermal preparation of nickel-zinc ferrite

A new process is developed to recover nickel in the form of a high value product from spent nickel catalyst. The catalyst is treated in chloride media to dissolve nickel and the solution is directly used to prepare nickel-zinc ferrite hydrothermally in ammoniacal medium. The process also avoids additional steps for purification and treatment of leach solution for making intermediate products like nickel salts or metal by evaporation / electrolysis which consumes higher energy. Very uniform nano size Ni-Zn ferrite with high magnetization value of 68.1 emu/g is prepared and reported in this patent. Ni-Zn ferrites are a group of technologically important materials that are used in the fabrication of magnetic, electronic and microwave devices.

Filing Date: 18-11-2009

Issue Date: 30-01-2018

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur

Patent No: IN292352

Application No: 2373DEL2009

Inventor(s): Kamala Kanta Sahu, Archana Agrawal, Devabrata Mishra

IPC Classification: C07D

Country: India

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