
IN292383: A method for providing effective layered damping for the control of structural vibrations

This invention essentialy relates to the method of reducing the vibration of any structural components subjected to time dependent excitation forces. Most of the techniques presently being used for vibration attenuation involves providing elastomerric materials as layers bonded to the parent structure, the performance of which tend to deteriorate with temperature and time. The solution involves in providing the relevant material in the relevant form as a layer of relevant thickness, the said layer being constrained using a thin foil, thereby simplifying the layering process, reducing the cost of layering, increasing the life of layer and resulting in enhanced damping potential and effective layered damping for the control of structural vibrations. This has been achieved by providing layered particle damping, wherein small particles filled in pre-formed cavities of structural component constrained by thin metallic shim on top of the particle layer so provided, effectively controls vibration in terms of low amplitude and attenuation time. Damping method of present invention can be used in any type structural component irrespective of its working temperature as limited in case of viscoelastic/elastomeirc materials.

Filing Date: 05-03-2008

Issue Date: 30-01-2018

Applicant: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru

Patent No: IN292383

Application No: 0536DEL2008

Inventor(s): Krishnachar Srinivasachar Nagendra, Soumendu Jana, Asish Kumar Sarangi, Musalappa Ananda, Venkataswamy Munirathnam, Munikrishana Radhakrishana, Vyasmurthy Arunkumar

IPC Classification: E04H 9/00, F16F 15/00

Country: India

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