
IN297571: A system useful for localization of disaster and identification of trapped miners in underground mines

A system is provided effectively identifying and locating trapped miners in underground mines in the event of a disaster, such as roof or sidewall fall. The system consists of a central computer at the surface which communicates to the underground mines through a single pair of wire to a plurality of base stations. The base stations in turn communicates wirelessly with the miners who are equipped with a miner's kit. All the miners in the underground are paged sequentially for their existence. In case of roof or sidewall falls the wire is cut or the RF communication is blocked, which enables the central computer to alarm to the supervisor for rescue operation. The system enables the miner to press a button to provide distress information. The computer can also provide symbolic information to miners by blinking LED's and beeping buzzer provided on the miner kit. The computer can also provide SMS, prerecorded voice calls, emails etc., to the rescue team members and other mine management personnel, present anywhere, either periodically or at the occurrence of disaster.

Filing Date: 12-02-2008

Issue Date: 11-06-2018

Applicant: CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CEERI), Pilani

Patent No: IN297571

Application No: 0369DEL2008

Inventor(s): Srinivasan Raghunath, Dhar Pramila, Raheja Jagdish Lal, Panchariya Poonam Chand, Das Debi Prasad, Mishra Vikrant, Naik Govind Ram, Singh Virendra Kumar, Saharan Mani Ram

IPC Classification: E21D 11/00

Country: India

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